Bonn Topology Group - Abstracts
General Information - Members - Activities - Topology Seminar
January 8th 2018
Bruno Stonek (MPIM Bonn): Higher THH of KU.
I will introduce higher topological Hochschild homology (THH), i.e. the tensor of a space X with an E_\infty-ring spectrum R. I will explain how it looks like for the case of KU, the periodic complex K-theory spectrum, when the space is a sphere or a torus. These computations showcase some interesting phenomena about KU, namely: it behaves like a Thom spectrum to the eyes of higher THH, it satisfies the conclusion of McCarthy-Minasian's interpretation of the Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg theorem, and tensoring with KU takes the equivalence-after-one-suspension (torus ~ wedge of spheres) to an equivalence.
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